I must admit that I have watched the TV show, What Not to Wear. I find it interesting how we can be so clueless when it comes to dressing ourselves in a pleasing manner. We just don’t tend to see ourselves in a positive light.
What I like about the show is how Stacy and Clinton are always so positive with their ‘client’. In an episode with a young woman, they pointed out her best attributes and helped her find clothes that fit her unique style. While the woman was skeptical about some of the items chosen, she looked fabulous in them. I watched the whole show and at the very end, Stacy quotes Neale Donald Walsch by telling the young woman, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
Who says you can’t get inspiration from a reality show?
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I was so impressed by this quote, that before the show was over, I was writing it down. How often do we stay in our comfort zone because we are afraid to take that next step? We stay where it is safe, warm and comfortable only to realize at the end of our lives that we have missed so much.
I have been staying in my comfort zone and not willing to push through my fears. I do realize that life is passing me by and I am missing it. I have been afraid to take that ultimate step to put myself out there. When we step beyond our comfort zone, even a little bit, the world will open up in ways that we never dreamed possible. I know this, but I still find it a little difficult. Why?
Why? I ask myself this question often. Then I realized that the question is not ‘why’, but ‘what’. What is holding me back and keeping me bound in my comfort zone? The answer is my mind. It is my mind that fuels my fears. My heart is fearless when I open up to all possibilities and to live BIG. My mind keeps me in my comfort zone as my heart pulls me out of it. It is time to break free, push through the barrier, and follow my heart into an exciting, new world. All it takes is the smallest step such as wearing something different or taking a dance class. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I am ready to discover what the world has in store for me. Are you?
Live! Love! Laugh!